Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chelsee's Learning How To Make Decisions

Can't believe it... Chelsee is learning how to make decisions! All her life she has struggled with decision making... She's spent her life saying "I don't care" If I ask her "pink or green" she says, "I don't care." If I ask her what she wants to eat, "I don't care" BUT... now that's she's senior companion she's learning how to do it! In her letter this week she wrote:

I love my new companion. Sister Jernigan is awesome. Yep, like I said before, I am senior companion even though she has been out longer… however, I this is the first companionship where I feel like we are on completely equal ground. Sister Jernigan likes making decisions about as much as I do. However, because of that, I have gotten better this past week!! So I guess the Lord does know what he is doing by making me senior because it has pushed me to step up in my decision making. You’d be proud! Haha!
Chelsee, the germ-a-phobe has a clean freak companion...

Sister Jernigan is a clean freak and I love it! Our apartment is spotless 24/7 and we have become quite fond of bleach. Right now we are working on trying to solve our cockroach problem, we have been told things not to do to cockroaches (like smash them because it spreads their eggs and it makes the other cockroaches mad) but we still haven’t figured out how to get rid of them. Any ideas are welcome!

Next - her hand is healing. It's slow but it is healing.

I went to the doc. this morning and he says it is healing nicely… just a bit slower than it should. I am about 3 weeks behind in the healing process due to my lack of calcium… well hello, I’m lactose intolerant… but I have been taking calcium pills (which is actually a really funny thing, I went to get them and I had no idea what I was looking for… I felt like an old lady looking at all this Osteoporosis medicine and such… while I was looking, Sister LuPeni turned to me with a bottle of Pre-Natal vitamins and said in all seriousness, “Is this what you are looking for?” I laughed so hard… that would be a fun surprise for my new companion to come in and see those sitting on the counter! Haha! Gotta love those foreigners!!!) which have seemed to help because there is SOME bone growth!! Woohoo! I have been in a half cast for the past two weeks and I get to be in it for another two weeks but I only have to wear it when I’m out working… so pretty much all the time… then it is OFF!!! I go back to the doc. in a month to get it x-rayed once again (for the 8th time I think!) and we will see how things are looking then! Lets just say that I am becoming friends with his office staff!
The work is good:
We have two investigators set for baptism and one more will be set next week! Once again, the Lord is Smiling on the Paradise Zone! Luis is set for the 18th of April, he is being taught by the Spanish Elders but he is attending the English ward so he is counted as our investigator. He is from Mexico and is married to a Samoan who speaks very little Spanish and he speaks very little English! Love, true love!!! They are an awesome family! Fo, his wife is a member and we have been working to get her back into activity! Krystal is still set for baptism but we had to move her to April 4th instead of this Saturday because she missed church on Sunday, on accident! She is so incredible and it has been so amazing to she her complete turn around! We just started working with a woman, Treicy, whose mother just got baptized a month ago in another ward. Treicy just went through a divorce and has been looking for some peace and comfort in her life. She says that nothing has helped her as much as learning about the gospel has. She has 2 little boys who are so cute, they want to be missionaries when they grow up. they are buddies with the Elders who taught their grandma!

And in usual Chelsee fashion, she closed her letter with:

Make good choices, don't do drugs, and BE HAPPY!!!

1 comment:

Lianne said...

Chelsee sounds like she is doing awesome! She sounds like a great missionary!