Monday, March 23, 2009

Susan's getting baptized!!!

What a miraculous week we've had! Susan is getting baptized on Saturday! I am so thrilled and so happy for her.

We had Stake Conference this weekend - she personally met the mission president, Pres. Phile as well as our visiting authority, Elder Melchin. It was in a special session just for investigators and newly baptized members. She connected quickly with President Phile and it was while Elder Melchin was speaking that Susan knew that she knew.

Later that evening, we had Susan, the missionaries (love our missionaries!!!) over for dinner. After dinner we watched, "Together Forever" and after that we just visited. We let Susan just talk and as she talked she basically bore her testimony to all of us. At that point, Gyle spoke up and said, "Looks like we have a baptism to plan"

Once she was able to verbally admit that she found her answer, she just seems to beam!

This opportunity is truly an answer to our prayers - not just to share the gospel but answers to prayers concerning our own family. This has been a miraculous journey of prayer and blessings!

1 comment:

Lianne said...

That's so awesome! Congratulations! I am sure it will be a very special baptism!!