Tuesday, September 2, 2008

From Britnee - I Finished!!!

I Finished!!!!!!! I just wanted to say that.

In Moroni Chapter 9:25, Mormon tells his son, "My son, be faithful in Christ; and may not the things which I have written grieve thee, to weigh thee down unto death; but may Christ lift thee up, and may his sufferings and death, and the showing his body unto our fathers, and his mercy and long-suffering, and the hope of his glory and of eternal life, rest in your mind forever."I thought this was a good conclusion.

I think, Chelsee, this is good to remember when you are feeling like you are in a rut or the times get tough. Always remember the Savior and all that he did for us. This will buoy you up and give you strength to continue. I know that for all of us, when we reflect upon our thoughts of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we will feel the excitement of the gospel and want to share that with others.I am so grateful for this opportunity we've had to read the Book of Mormon as a family.

Thank you everyone! You truly can not read the Book of Mormon without your testimony being strengthend. I know and have felt the Lord's hand in helping me read. It's not easy with three little ones. But I told myself that I wouldn't even pick up "Twilight" without having read my seven pages for the day first. Some days I didn't get to read "Twilight" because I had only gotten in 3 pages or so. But I know that the Lord blessed me in my true desire and efforts to read the Book of Mormon.

I would lay by my kids at night and tell them of what I had read that day for their night time story. Brailee was always inquisitive. I loved being caught up with Sunday School. I found application to any other life lesson through and from what I was reading in the Book of Mormon at that time. I know that as I have read, the Lord has given me streangth.

There are so many applications to missionary work and it excites me to share. It fills the fear gap and replaces it with faith. I testify that we will meet Moroni some day, as well as the other prophets and I truly can't wait to tell them face to face how grateful I am for their lifes and their sacrafices. For their obedience and their love for their God and for even me. I hope and pray that we will live our lives to honor them, that their lives may not have been in vain.

The Book of Mormon is TRUE!!! Words can not express my gratitude for this book and the way it changes our lives. I love the Book of Mormon, I love my Savior, and I love all of you.~Britnee

1 comment:

Lianne said...

Thank you for sharing your testimony! That is really such a great experience to have! I am so glad that we have been able to spend time with you guys this week. It has been so great getting to know you all better!