Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chelsee Letter December 18, 2008

So first of all, have you ever seen palm trees with snow all over them??? Well folks, I officially have. We had SO MUCH SNOW YESTERDAY! It was insane. It snowed about 4 inches. It was a really heavy wet snow and so we spent most of the day being wet. It started snowing around 7:00 yesterday morning and didn’t stop until 6:00 last night. Then the snow turned into rain and it all started melting. So much water!!! You might think that water would be a good thing down here but problem is that the desert doesn’t handle water too well… so there is quite a bit of flooding right now. The kids all got school off today. Crazy, it took like 4 FEET of snow to close school in Utah and Colorado! Haha! They are so spoiled here! Ha!
Our district leader, Elder Florence, who is in his 70’s and pretty much our Grandpa, called around 2:30 and told us that we should probably go home and get out of the snow. We didn’t like that idea so we called the Zone Leaders and they told us that our District Leader was crazy and that we should stay out as long as we felt safe. We stayed out until 9:00. Elder Florence is just a concerned old man… but the work must go on! A couple inches of snow never stopped the Pioneers!
Ok, next on the list of updates. Well, I think I might possibly be learning Spanish soon. I know, I know… crazy. I have felt like I needed to learn Spanish ever since I opened my call. I pushed the feelings aside but… Then when I was set apart I was blessed that I would be able to learn a language if needed. Again, I thought nothing of it and kept pushing off the feelings. Heck, my English is bad enough… right? I kept telling the Holy Ghost to leave me alone but he just wouldn’t. He always gets his way. Well, since I couldn’t get it off of my mind I decided to get it off of my chest and ask President about it two weeks ago in my Presidents letter. Yesterday morning I got a phone call from President and he talked to me about it for a while. I told him that I didn’t know why but I just felt like I need to learn Spanish. I even told him that I have a hard enough time with English, why add more difficulty into my life… but the Holy Ghost has been nudging me for quite some time. Well, he told me that there is a good chance of me learning Spanish. In fact, they do have a lot of English sisters serve in Spanish wards and learn Spanish. They used to not even call Spanish sisters to this mission, they would just have English come and learn Spanish as needed. So, I don’t know why I need to or if I even will for sure but I feel so much better after getting Presidents opinion. Shocker… eh? Yeah, imagine how I’m feeling about it. YIKES!
Next… After talking to President, we got a phone call from the Zone Leaders. President had talked to them right before calling us and he is actually thinking about keeping Sister Egan in our area. That means 9 months for her. That is unheard of. But that means that I have a chance of being transferred now… unless they keep us together for another transfer, again, unheard of. Crazy. So, we have no idea what is going to happen. I guess that’s how it should be but it could make you go crazy. Sister Egan is going crazy because we thought for sure she would be transferred and I would stay, so she started packing… and now we have no clue what is going to happen. Oh well!
We have a baptism on Saturday and we are way excited. Lots and lots going on! We have a new investigator who is so excited about learning about the church. She has been to church twice already and she has so many questions for us!!! We love it when that happens! She is great! She works with a bunch of members so she has a lot of support! Woohoo! I sure hope all is going well!
Feel free to send me mail through USPS whenever you want! Haha! Don’t get too cold. I’m sure trying not to! I guess it isn’t too bad though, mid 30’s today. But I’m not a fan of the cold. I thought I got sent to the desert to be warm, not have surprise snow!!! I love it!
Make good choices, don’t do drugs, be happy and share the gospel with EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love, ME!

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